Graphic 45 are having a Design Team call...... a challenge hard to resist :)
For the DT audition you are supposed to create a blogpost with a minimum
of six projects.....I decided to make four new projects and throw in a couple
of my own old favorites in the here we go!
First of all: The new stuff!!
I looked through my piles of paper and found a 8x8 Le Cirque paper pad and
a few miscellaneous "golden oldies".
I combined my two favorite things.... gift boxes and flowers.
The box made from black cardstock.
I must admit I do have "a thing" for flowers.....
A great way to use every tiny piece of paper...
A few flower punches goes a long way..
Distress Ink on the edges, some rhinestones and pearls...
Another thing that I'm very fond of is surprises... "Don't judge the
book by the covers" is probably my favorite saying...
I guess no one uses dictionaries anymore since Google translator came into our
lives ...... I found another use for an old Swedish-English dictionary.....
A little bit of acrylic paint and some Metallic Lustre on the spine.
It needed something to keep the new colorful pages in place....
Le cirque!!!
My fearless heroine keeps doing "her thing" regardless of all the commotion
going on around her.
Paper rosettes and bits and pieces from different papers....
Beach 2014??? More like Beach 1914....
Another thing that isn't what it looks to be at first glance....
A card that fits in an ordinary envelope...
.....but is everything but ordinary when it opens up
Girls on the boardwalk...
Another great way to use tiny paper scraps :)
A Pop-up box card is a cool way to send someone a wonderful surprise
by mail.
A gift for a gentleman?
The box measures 4,5x9x2"
A clue to what's inside...
Pretty sure it's not a top hat...
I wonder if real gentleman wears purple ties??
Strips of cardstock holds the tie in place...
Lined with a paper that is perfect for a real gentleman....
That was the new projects....and now for the "oldies".
I decided to include some of my favorite projects from the past....
A mini chest of drawers.....or a bunch of stacked matchboxes with
a metal part from an old alarm clock on top?!
A battery operated tea light candle inside. Brass knobs as feet.
A nice addition on my craft table where it keeps my tiny brads organized.
I do like to make "useful things" gift boxes is always useful, but I
especially like to make "personalized" gift boxes.
This one was made for someone celebrating his 18th birthday.
The birthday boy loves mathematics and is studying to
become an engineer, numbers, cogs and gears.....
I used to categorize myself as a cardmaker but I'm not
sure what I would call myself now....
But of course I still do make a card or two....
Sometimes I lose control over my "flower addiction".....
I get carried away.....
Still awake??
A lot of pictures......I hope It gave a glimpse of my "creative life"
Most of all I try to have FUN and do the things that makes me HAPPY!
I hope you do to!!!
Du är helt otrolig Angelica!!!! Vilken artist du är så läckra saker du gör! Graphic 45 måste bara välja dej!
SvaraRaderawooooooow was für fantastische Sachen Du gemacht hast .Du bist eine großartige Künstlerin,ich bin immer so sehr von deinen Werken begeistert,da steckt so viel kreativietät drin.Zauberhaft.
SvaraRaderaHerzliche Grüße Petra
Fabulous makes Angelica!! Good luck with the audition!!
SvaraRaderaGorgeous projects, good luck with your audition your work is always very beautiful. Beautiful flowers on top of the box, I love flowers too, I need to create them more often. I have a lot of 'real' ones in my gardens. Shirleyx
SvaraRaderaSå många fina alster!!! Lycka till. kram bibbi
SvaraRaderaMen jösses sååå mycket fint du skapar.Är helt betagen i ALLT du gjort och gör.Dina alster är helt underbara.Får tacka för din hälsning hos mig och önska även dig en fin helg!
Wauuuw beautiful stuff you are making.
SvaraRaderaYour projects are stunning! Best of luck to you!
SvaraRaderaHär blir jag bara sittande med hakan nere vid knäna... orden är borta... och jag ser och ser och ser i stum beundran över din otroliga kreativitet. Angelica, du är UNIK!!!!!
SvaraRaderaWhat magnificent projects, Angelica - wishing you lots of luck with the G45 audition - you would be a fantastic addition to the team!
SvaraRaderaAlison xx
OMG.... blir du inte designer för dom så vet jag inte vad jag gör... så sanslöst snygga/läckra alster.. :D
SvaraRaderaWow! So happy I have found your blog. I'm off for a look around to see what other amazing things you make!
Wonderful projects selected and created! Wishing you the beat of luck. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. I'm so pleases you enjoyed the Retro TV.
SvaraRaderaAngelica, clean and simple with a breath taking twist! Your projects have such a nice and professional quality and your photos nicely highlight your amazing work. Thank you for auditioning for the Graphic 45 Design Team. -Charee
SvaraRaderaSå utrolig mye lekkert!
SvaraRaderaJeg elsker Graphi 45 :-)
Smil fra Ane Lene're Top 30 Finalist. I'm very happy for you (:o)
SvaraRaderaAbsolutely wonderful designs. You have my vote.
SvaraRaderaGreat designs good luck!
SvaraRaderaWish you Luck in the Final Graphic45!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful work, I wish you the best of luck!
SvaraRaderaCongrats on making round one! It's not wonder you did you're projects are immaculate! Gorgeous. Every one of them :)
SvaraRaderaCongrats on making the first round, I can certainly see why you were picked. Your work is amazing. Best of luck.
SvaraRaderaCongrats on making round one. Your work is beautiful! Best of luck!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful work, congratulations on making around one! Best of luck to you in round two!
SvaraRaderawonderful work, congrats on making the first step in the G45 DT
SvaraRaderaGoregous, I'm amazed by your stunning works... Glad you make it to the top 30.. Best of luck to the final round... Cheers!!!
SvaraRaderaHi Angelica! What gorgeous projects you submitted! Congrats on making the top 30, and the very best of luck to you in the final round!!
SvaraRaderaWOW!!! G45 designers get better and better every year-gorgeous creations. No luck needed as you are sure to be chosen.
SvaraRaderaOh my gosh, what beautiful work! I'm a new follower via Graphic 45 design team finalist list. I wish you good luck.
SvaraRaderaYou had me at the flowers! Your work is amazing and so very creative! I love the surprises inside some of the items! Congrats on your G45 Top 30!
SvaraRaderaCirkusboken rörde mig till tårar - såååå vacker! <3 Lycka till!
SvaraRaderaLena Forslin, Glada Hudik
Grattis till Topp30. Håller tummarna i fortsättningen.
SvaraRaderaAngelica, you projects are just stunning!! Amazing work with exquisite eye for detail. Congratulations and best wishes for round 2
SvaraRaderaCongratulations on making Top 30! Your projects are all soooo pretty! Best of luck in the final round of the audition :)
SvaraRaderaI'm so enjoying your projects! They are all just outstanding. How exciting to be in the top 30 at Graphic 45.....a well deserved honor : ) Wishing you the best of luck in the next round! Ginny from Polly's Paper
SvaraRaderaAngelica, wow, wow, wow! I absolutely love that chest of drawers - so unique and beautiful! Congrats on making the Top 30, and best of luck in the finals!
SvaraRaderaAmazing projects, Angelica. I loved every single detail. Best of luck to you!
SvaraRaderaI'm on the floor!!!! OMGosh, your entry pieces are stellar and I'm truly smiling from ear to ear. HOW MUCH I think you would be an incredible asset for G45!! Fantastic projects and you can NEVER make too many flowers. Yours are just the BEST!!
Lisa x
STORT GRATTIS till topp 30 placeringen!!! Fantastiskt bra jobbat! :) Underbara projekt ska jag ju säga oxå... :)
SvaraRaderaBursa Parça Eşya Taşıma
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SvaraRaderaKayseri Evden Eve Nakliyat
Etlik Fayans Ustası
Isparta Evden Eve Nakliyat
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Antalya Şehir İçi Nakliyat
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Samsun Parça Eşya Taşıma
Urfa Evden Eve Nakliyat
İstanbul Parça Eşya Taşıma
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